Spring Tensioned Guy Ropes
Now there's an alternative to just normal rope or ratchet straps to tie down your Easy Up, tarp, tent or shade canopy.
The GroundGrabba spring tensions guy rope makes it quick, even easier AND gives the added protection of allowing some 'give' in a wind storm.
To use the analogy of a hard oak tree snapping when the wind gets too strong compared to a reed that will bend.
When the wind picks up the springs help maintain a constant tension on your equipment.
The GroundGrabba Spring tensioned guy ropes have three integral components:
1/ The carabiner at the top end of the rope.
2/ The anodised aluminium adjuster handle.
3/ The tensioning spring.
To use the spring tensioned guy ropes you simply slip the free end of the spring onto the HexHook Pro then the carabiner end will either slip on the top of a tent pole or hitch around a strategic part of the shelter and clip it securely.